It is time to remember and reclaim all of who you are to co-create your highest & truest timeline

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You are a

Solar Mother, Womban of Light, Sacred Leader, Oracle of God, Mystic, Starseed, Artist, Visionary

You came here to be all of you in your purest essence, a pillar of light, bridge between heaven & Earth.

You came here to build a legacy of love and create your highest timeline as well as a Golden Era of change this world so deeply needs.

This is your commitment, your revolution, your earthly mission. You heard the call & answered. You are beyond ready.




Sarah Alnoon Business Mentor For Heart Leaders Building a Legacy and Creating Conscious Wealth

Hi sweet angel,

I am Sarah


The sacred work I carry forth is hard to explain in words. It is to be felt by those who are in resonance with it. By those of the same fractal and on similar earthly missions. The truth is I don’t “do” much, I let God move through me and use me as a vessel for his divine work.

My mission is to help you remember the truth of who you are, in your purest essence and light, reclaim your full power as a co-creator so that you may live out your highest timeline.

To do so, it is essential to clear and recalibrate your multidimensional bodies to hold more light & sound and the higher frequencies you are here to help anchor in.

 Womben of Light

1-1 Voxer Mentorship

For the womban who is ready to step into the sacred remembrance of who she really is and why she came here, the womban who is ready to co-create a life of miracles beyond her wildest dreams while being fully supported.

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